Silent Globe Check Valve
Product Advantages
- Operates Horizontally or Vertically
- Watertight Seating
- Field Replaceable Parts
- Factory Mutual Approved – Various Sizes
- Optional Resilient Seat
The Cla-Val Series 581 Silent Globe Check Valve has a spring loaded poppet that allows the valve to close before flow reversal occurs, resulting in a silent, non-slam closure. It is a truly silent check valve. For ease of installation, the valve can be installed in vertical or horizontal positions with flow up or flow down. Silent Globe Check Valves are available in 2 1/2” to 42” sizes, with either a 125 lb. or 250 lb. pressure class rating. Silent Globe Check Valves in 3” to 10” sizes have enough outlet clearance to allow them to be bolted directly to wafer style butterfly valves.
Constructed of a cast iron body with bronze trim, the Cla-Val Silent Globe Check Valve offers watertight shutoff with metal-to-metal seating. For special applications, stainless steel trim is available and Buna-N® resilient seats are available as options. All materials conform to ASTM specifications, ensuring long lasting reliable performance. As a confirmation of Cla-Val’s commitment to quality, 2 1/2” to 12” 125 lb. class Series 581 valves are Factory Mutual approved except those supplied with Buna-N® resilient seats.
The silent globe check valve shall consist of a heavy cast iron body, bronze seat, bronze disc, and stainless steel spring. The valve disc shall be center guided at both ends with an integral shaft and shall be spring loaded for silent operation. The spring shall be helical or conical and stone tumbled to achieve a micro-finish to resist mineral deposits. For ease of maintenance, the seat and disc shall be replaceable in the field.
Check valve shall be capable of silent operation when installed in vertical or horizontal positions with either flow up or flow down. The flow area through the body shall be equal to or greater than the crosssection area of the equivalent pipe size. Sizes 2 1/2” to 10” shall allow bolting a wafer style butterfly valve directly to the outlet flange without a spool piece.
All materials of construction shall conform to ASTM
specifications as follows:
Valve Body: Cast Iron ASTM A126 Class B
Disc & Seat: Bronze ASTM B584
Spring: Stainless Steel ASTM A313.5
Stone Tumbled & Stress Relieved.
Sizes: 3″ thru 10″ shall accept a direct connected Butterfly Valve for isolation use and space saving in the pump station.
The valve shall be a Cla-Val Series 581 Silent Globe Check Valve.
Series 581 Pressure Loss Curve


Pressure Ratings
* Ductile Iron Recommended For Hot Water Service Above 200º F
Silent Globe Check Valve

Note: Plug 3 & spring 4 compressed are shown in Open Position.
Dimensions (In Inches)

* FM Approved