Pressure Reducing Valve
- Sensitive and Accurate Pressure Control
- Easy Adjustment and Maintenance
- Optional Check Feature
- Fully Supported Frictionless Diaphragm
- Meets National Lead Reduction Mandate
The Cla-Val Model 90-01 Pressure Reducing Valve automatically reduces a higher inlet pressure to a steady lower downstream pressure, regardless of changing flow rate and/or varying inlet pressure. This valve is an accurate, pilot-operated regulator capable of holding downstream pressure to a pre-determined limit. When downstream pressure exceeds the pressure setting of the control pilot, the main valve and pilot valve close drip-tight. If a check feature is added, and a pressure reversal occurs, the downstream pressure is admitted into the main valve cover chamber, closing the valve to prevent return flow.
Typical Applications
Typical applications include pressure reducing valve station
using Model 90-01 and Model 90-01 in parallel to handle wide
range of flow rates. Larger Model 90-01 valve meets
requirements of peak loads and smaller Model 90-01 handles
low flows. A downstream pressure relief valve is also
recommended for this type of application.

Cla-Val Model 90-01KO Pressure Reducing Valve with AntiCavitation Trim provides for optimum downstream pressure control while reducing noise and eliminating damage associated with cavitation. See Cavitation Guide to determine if the valve is a candidate for the KO Anti-Cavitation Trim. A downstream pressure relief valve is recommended for this type of application.

Pressure Ratings


Model 90-01 Dimensions (In Inches)

For sizes 18 through 36-inches, use 90-66 E-Sheet

Model 100-01 Full
Port Hytrol Main Valve

- For sizes 18 through 36-inches / 450 mm though 900 mm, use 90-66 E-Sheet
- Many factors should be considered in sizing pressure reducing valves including inlet pressure, outlet pressure and flow rates.
- For sizing questions or cavitation analysis, consult Cla-Val with system details.
Pilot System Specifications

Adjustment Ranges
2 to 30 psi
15 to 75 psi
20 to 105 psi
30 to 300 psi*
150 to 600 psi (CRD-18)
*Supplied unless
otherwise specified
Temperature Range
Water: to 180°F
Standard Pilot System Materials
Pilot Control: Low Lead Bronze
Trim: Stainless Steel Type 303
Rubber: Buna-N® Synthetic Rubber
Optional Pilot System Materials
Pilot Systems are available with optional
Stainless Steel or Monel materials.
Note: Available with remote sensing control.
Main Valve Options
EPDM Rubber Parts
Optional diaphragm, disc and o-ring fabricated with EPDM synthetic rubber
Viton® Rubber Parts – suffix KB
Optional diaphragm, disc and o-ring fabricated with Viton® synthetic rubber
Epoxy Coating – suffix KC
NSF/ANSI 61 Fusion Bonded Epoxy
Dura-Kleen® Stem – suffix KD
Fluted design prevents dissolved minerals build-up on the stem
LFS Trim
Designed to regulate precisely and smoothly at typical flow rates as well as lower than the industry standard of 1 fps, without decreasing the valve’s capacity
Valve Options
X141 Pressure

Valve Position

X101AR Valve
Position Indicator
with Air Release

X144 e-FlowMeter

Steel Pilot
