VAV Box Actuator Thermostat

Cloud VAV Controller set with Room Unit of Choice and Integrated pressure sensor, controller and damper actuator for pressure-independent temperature control VAV, Simple VAV and Demand Control Ventilation applications in the comfort zone.
- NFC interface for Smartphone Powerless Commissioning
- NFC interface for Smartphone Powerless Commissioning
- BACnet MS/TP Integration
- With AI for CO2 sensor
- Standardized Control Applications for easy implimentations.
Brief description
The ZoneEase VAV has PI control characteristics and is used for pressure-independent temperature control of VAV units in the comfort zone
Pressure measurement
The integrated maintenance-free Belimo D3 pressure valve sensor is also suitable for very small volumetric flows. It is for this reason that it enables versatile applications in the comfort zone, e.g. in offices, hospitals, hotels, residential construction, cruise ships, etc.
VAV – Temperature control
For pressure-independent temperature control VAV applications, room temperature is obtained from Room Unit. Room Temperature Setpoint is obtained from the Room Unit through manual buttons (22RT-A001 only) or APP or from command through BACnet MS/TP. The operating range min …max or reheating valve or electric reheater are controlled based on heating demand or cooling demand, depending on temperature difference (setpoint minus actual), P-Band value (adjustable) and Tn value (adjustable Integral gain)
VAV/CAV – variable/constant volumetric flow control
For variable volumetric flow applications with a modulating reference variable, The operating range min …max can be controlled via BACnet, APP or Room Unit (22RTA001)
VAV – Demand Control Ventilation (DCV)
For DCV applications, The operating range min …max are controlled based on demand, dependng on CO2 difference (setpoint minus actual), Tn_CO2 value (adjustable)and Tn_CO2 value (adjustable)
BACnet MS/TP integration
BACnet function
Addressable from 1 to 127 in a singular BACnet MS/TP network. Recommended to have repeater for every 32 BACnet Devices. Entire BACnet internetwork address limited by 4194303 device, as according to BACnet Limitation.
Additional Sensor integration
A CO2 Sensor can be connected to the ZoneEase Compact Controller for data collection purpose in Temperature controlled applications and as an control input for DCV application.
Operating and service devices
Actuator and Room Unit NFC interface for Android Smartphone Belimo Assistant App.
Test function / test display
The ZoneEase VAV features two LEDs which shows power status, bus communication, adaptation
OEM factory settings
The ZoneEase VAV is mounted on the VAV box unit by the unit manufacturer, who adjusts and tests it according to the application
LCD Room Unit for ZoneEase Cloud VAV Controller Actuator
- NFC interface for Smartphone Commissioning
- Workforce Efficiency Improvement with Cloud operation
- On/Off/Eco/Boost modes
- With additional switch-on option for occupancy contact
- Summer/Winter/CAV modes
Technical data sheet